Thursday, April 10, 2008

Varsity Travel Friday

Please be at the Humphrey Terminal at 10:30 to check into our flight leaving at 12:17.

Weather MIGHT be prohibiting travel, so come with a good attitude, expect the worst, but hope for the best.

We are flying AirTran Flight 853 from the HUMPHREY TERMINAL.

We will land, rent minivans (Thanks to Mr. Milbrath, Mr. Gotlieb, & Mr. Brickwedde for chaperoning) and head to the O'Neill's house.

If the weather is good, we'll be playing some ultimate tomorrow night, and then having a good sleep before we rise early for the tourney.

Sunday night, we will be returning on Airtran Flight 858, landing at 12:30am.

Please plan accordingly.

Thanks, Jake

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