Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What's left to get to Winnipeg?

Departure is nearing. You've all been busy pulling together the stuff we need. I'm trying to get all the passport numbers. By turning them into the border early, it can speed up our crossing. I already have most of the numbers. If I request your passport # below and you're bringing a certified birth certificate, just let me know that. (email: hopkinsexec@gmail.com)

Here's what I still need from the following people:

C.Camp – Notarized permission from mother got it

J.Dailey – Notarized permission from mother

A. Gotlieb – Notarized permission from both parents, passport #, payment got it

E. Leonard – Notarized permission from father, passport # got it

A. Mastbaum – Notarized permission from mother got it

J. Raisanen – passport # got it

T. Rosengren – passport #

R. Shapiro - Notarized permission from both parents, passport # got it

J. Sussman – Notarized permission from mother, passport # got it

A. Werner – Notarized permission from father got it

I need these items as soon as possible.


Mikey K said...

will emma or sarah be at practice tonight to collect?

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

You can give permissions/checks to Emma or Sarah at practice tonight.