Thursday, April 30, 2009

Granite City Final Details- DRIVERS NEEDED

Hello all,  we have the final list for the tournament this weekend.  The plan is to meet at Lindbergh at 8:15 AM ready to go and with $15.

HOWEVER, we will not be able to get to Granite City unless we have 2 more drivers for saturday.  If you are planning on coming please ask your parents if they are able to help us out, otherwise we will be unable to attend the tournament. 

Here is the final roster:
Chris Farrells
Isaak Herman
Dylan Krebs (Sun)
Drew Locketz
Wyatt Mekler
Benji Mosow
Aaron Raskin
Daniel Raskin
Brett Rosenstein
Matt Rosenstein
Sam Segal
Adam Tarshish (Sun  only)
Sam  Bumstead
Jake Hoffman
Jackson Brand
 Aaron Kitchner (Sun  only)
 Tom Kachelmacher 
 Nate Wexler 


Anonymous said...

jeremy wants to go, sry, didn't have time to check blog for a while, my bad

Anonymous said...

Rick rosentein can drive but matt and Brett will come up later with Benji Mosow

Coach Lou said...

Coach Lou will drive if it ensures Hopkins will attend this tournament.