Saturday, January 15, 2011

Duluth details

Sorry for the delay guys. Finishing these details has not been a priority this week because I'm busy being a new grandma; that's right, Zach and Wyatt are uncles, so ask them about their nephew!

The final cost per player is $60.00. It was actually $80.00 last year, so this is quite a bit less. Please bring a check made out to Hopkins Ultimate Frisbee Club and give it to Todd.
You will be staying at the Comfort Suites on Canal Park in Duluth.
Please be at Lindbergh tomorrow morning BY 9:00am. Todd Leonard and Marni Bumsted will be driving all the players from there. You will be stopping at Tobies for breakfast/brunch on the way to Duluth, and the first game will be at 1:30.
You will need to bring enough money to buy dinner on Sunday night as well, and snacks if you want them as well as a fast food stop on the way home monday night.

Marni's cell phone number is #612-749-0485
Todd's cell phone number is#612-363-2200

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is $60 in cash acceptable?