Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Indoor season starts January 9th


Practices are starting this weekend. More details to come.

Sunday nights are all team practices at the West Structure at 8:30 PM. This was the only time available on Sundays, and we know it's late but it's all we've got. We have the space until 10 PM. If you need to leave early, please let a coach know at the beginning of practice.

Tuesdays will be split between teams. 6 - 8 PM at Alice Smith Elementary School, starting Tuesday January 11th.

We're figuring out one other time/day of the week, which we'll add to this post when we know.
Thanks for your patience.



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Anonymous said...

who will be practicing next tuesday?

Anonymous said...

who is practicing next tuesday?

Erin said...

Boys Varsity, since they have a tournament the following weekend. I just posted it.

Anonymous said...

I am a new girl and hope to be able to come to other practices but i can't make it this Sunday due to work.

Anonymous said...

What is your name, new girl??

Anonymous said...

I will not be able to make part or all of tuesday's (today's) practice due to a high school band concert. After the concert, I will get to practice as soon as I can.

Dylan Younger

Anonymous said...

who will be practicing tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I will not be able to make the Wednesday, January 19th practice. As of now, Wednesdays do not work for me.

Dylan Younger