Monday, January 31, 2011

Varsity travel

Varsity players, we are trying to put together out spring travel plans and need to get an idea of who can make a commitment to our out of town tournaments. Obviously, Paideia and Westerns are the most expensive trips and also the ones we need to plan the farthest in advance. We need to make non refundable deposits on airplane tickets, so we will not decide to travel unless we have firm commitments and DEPOSITS from anyone who plans to attend. The final cost has not been determined but airfare is very high to Portland and not that cheap to Atlanta either. Even with a substantial amount of our fundraising money being used to defray costs, expect the final amounts to be in the range of~$375.00-425.00 for Paideia and $500.00-$600.00 for Westerns. There has been some talk about a few other fundraising ideas specific to Varsity that could help lower the cost as well, but you guys would have to start working on that.

Please post as soon as possible if you are planning on traveling to either or both of these tournaments.

We need to make a decision about attending Paideia by next week in order to make our travel plans. I will need a $100.00 deposit by February 10th from each player who plans to attend if we have enough players available to make it possible for us to go.


Andrea Shapiro said...

What does the final cost estimate cover? Does that ammt. only cover airfare? If yes, what do you expect final cost for lodging etc.?

sara said...

The final cost will include airfare, lodging, transportation during the tournament, tournament fees, coaches travel expenses, and some field snacks. The boys need their own money for any gear they want to buy, and a few meals, as there is a dinner provided on Saturday night for both of these tournaments, and breakfast both days. In Atlanta we stay at a host family's home so we don't incur hotel costs, helping us keep the price down a bit. I will send an email to varsity parents with more detiled informaion.