Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Outage / Outrage

Hello Hurt JV,

I know we're gearing up for a big tournament tomorrow, so hiccups with the blog are coming at an inopportune time. Basically, Blogger had an issue during routine maintenance. Blogs were restored to their state from few days ago, and posts/comments during the affected period (roughly Wednesday/Thursday) should hopefully be restored soon. In the meantime, we have lost many of the responses that you've posted regarding carpool driver and player commitments for the weekend.

Here is what Blogger has to say about the issue.

In the meantime, Chandler Taylor has sent out some emails regarding tomorrow's carpools. We are asking all Granite City participants to repost your plans for the weekend in the original post and/or respond to Chandler's emails.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.

One more thing: some of you were confused by my comments on the original post. To reiterate, we are playing in the B/C pool with 5 other JV teams. Our games will be held at North Junior High School in St. Cloud. Yes kids, other towns have a North JHS too. See this link for location. There will be a tournament tent at this location for score reporting, but the captains meeting will be at Whitney Park.



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Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka can play both days. Will need a ride to GCC on Saturday. Parent can bring home Saturday if needed. Parent can drive both ways sunday. Room for 4-5 additional players.

Anonymous said...

Brandys can be there both days and needs a ride to and from the tourny. LETS WIN IT ALL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daniel Marschinke will need a ride both ways.

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis needs a ride both ways on both days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When will someone post pics from Westerns??