Tuesday, May 31, 2011

JV Game @ Edina-B

Hey JV -

We were able to arrange a final Thursday game for you. The game will be at Edina-B. The field is different than the one on the league website. It is at the high school. Parking is available on top of the hill (to the West of the fields on the map).

The carpool will meet at Lindbergh at 5:20 for departure at 5:30. Please plan to arrive at the fields by 5:45. As usual, please post intentions to play, requests for rides, and offers to drive in the comments.

Update 6/1: We will have a short roster due to graduation, so Varsity boys and girls are welcome too! We need more firm commitments on drivers. Please post if you can drive and how many you can take.


Anonymous said...

i wont be able to go because of my brothers graduation that night

Anonymous said...

My brother is graduating i cannot go
Ryan Franklin

Anonymous said...

I cant can't go my brother is graudating- Elias

Anonymous said...

Brandys can go cause my brother isn't graduating :)

Sam K said...

Sam Kaminsky cant go to the practice on wednesday. But he will be at the game on thursday! i will check with my mom about driving.

Anonymous said...

I can go and i will talk to my parents about driving

Zach Shear

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Lovagnini needs a ride to the game on Thursday. Christopher Lovagnini will not be at the game as he is playing at graduation.
Jonathan Lovagnini will not be at practice on Wednesday due to a school activity.

Anonymous said...

Will C. will be there Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis can play on Thursday. Would prefer he gets a ride from Lindbergh, but will rearrange plans and help drive if necessary. Otherwise, can come to game after 6:30 and help with rides home.

Anonymous said...

I can't play, my sister's graduating.

Anonymous said...

It's Trey with the sister graduating.

Anonymous said...

Drew can go

Sam K said...

Actually, Sam Kaminsky is unable to come to the game on thursday due to idea day for school.

Cousins said...

Charlie Cousins will not be there - sorry.

Anonymous said...

I dont think we have enough people

Anonymous said...

aaron raskin is actually able come to the game if i can get a ride to school after the game...we should invite varsity players who are not attending graduation

Erin said...

there are enough - we talked about it at practice tonight.

Furthermore, it's not a league game - just a scrimmage, so there's more flexibility.

Michael said...

Lieberman is there. I will need rides.

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis' mom can drive if you need more drivers and take up to 3 extra kids in her car both to and from game.

Anonymous said...

Brandys the need a ride too and from the game

Anonymous said...

My mom can drive a carpool to the game, but I need a ride home or back to Lindbergh.
Will C.

Anonymous said...

My mom will be at Lindbergh at 5:20 and can take up to 4 people but cannot drive home. Can someone give me a ride home or back to Lindbergh?
-Will C.

Anonymous said...

My mom cant drive- sorry

zach shear