Friday, May 06, 2011

JV Hustle Carpool

*Sunday update: could use a driver or two for Sunday. Please post if you could swing by Lindbergh and pick up a rider or two at 7:45. Thanks

- A carpool will depart from Lindbergh at 7:45 am each morning.
- Parents and players: please post in the comments if you (1) need a ride, or (2) can drive and have room for X additional players in your vehicle, and (3) which day.


Michael said...

I need a ride on both days.

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen needs a ride Sunday morning, please. I can only play the first 2 games on Sunday, sorry.

Sam K said...

hey so if im helping with parking... how am i gonna get there? is there a carpool leaving at a different time?

Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka will need a ride saturday morning please.

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis needs a ride both Saturday & Sunday from Lindbergh. He is supposed to help w/parking so he will be there 7:30 on Sat.

Anonymous said...

saturday morning we can give 2 people a ride, and on Sunday I need a ride. On Saturday I can only be there untill 3:15, thanks, Jonathan Lovagnini

Anonymous said...

What are details about Granite city is it both saturday and sunday?

Anonymous said...

I need a ride for both days

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias' dad will drive JV players Saturday morning from Lindberg and work the parking lot. I'll take 4-5 JV players. I can't stay all day. Someone will have to bring Jacob home or back to their house. Leaving at 7:45 SHARP

Coach Mike B said...

The Granite City Classic is indeed a Saturday/Sunday tournament. I am sure we will be arranging some sort of carpool. The schedule will go up at sometime next week. For now, plan for a first game at 9:00am each day, allowing 40 minutes for warm-up and 80 minutes for travel.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind I dont need a ride tommorow
Jonathan Lovagnini

Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka will have room in his car for 4-5 additional players sunday morning.