Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HBTS Packing List

Hey, HUrt! So, for those of you who have never been to Winnipeg, or any other out-of-town tournament, this list will give you an idea of what to pack. As a team, we are always "toasty warm". This means that you come to the field prepared with everything you will need to stay warm and dry all day long. If you have any more questions about what you'll need, ask any of the captains or coaches at practice, and we'll help you out.

Please remember to bring $15 to Zach Mekler for your jersey.


The bus ride to Winnipeg is about nine hours long, so you'll want to be dressed comfortably. I'd also recommend dressing in layers because you never know what the temperature on the bus will be. Bring homework, movies, pillows, blankets, and snacks (in a backpack, everything else will be going under the bus). Also, remember to have your passport and wallet on you, as we will be stopping for dinner and you will need your money.

Friday Night:


Socks, non-cotton if you have, and lots of them
Cleats, possibly two pairs (if you have them) for back up
Shoes to wear to the fields (tennis shoes are usually best)
Sweats to wear to the fields and during your Bye round
Long under armor tights (cold gear)
Compression shorts
Regular shorts
Dark and white shirt- we are getting jerseys that we will be wearing but bring these anyways
Long-sleeved under armor shirt
Windbreaker/rain coat (its supposed to rain this weekend, so be prepared)
Hat/headband for when it's cold
LOTS OF LAYERS- if it gets cold you will want them
Ultimate bag with a disc, reusable water bottle and your own snacks(the team will be providing "field food" snacks, but bring your own if you like something special! And I can't reiterate enough how important it is to bring a reusable water bottle, or 2...we feel strongly about not buying plastic water bottles for the team this year! ...Sara)
A couple big garbage bags to put your ultimate bag in if it rains
Any other gear you'll need (pre-wrap, tape, inhaler, etc.)

Saturday Night-

At the hotel we are staying at there is a pool and hot tub. If you are interested bring a swimsuit.


Same clothing as Saturday and a change of clothes to wear on the bus ride home and stuff for the ride home (see Friday) We usually change right away and head home, we will not be returning to the hotel.

If you have any questions please let me know, also if you are a returning player and have advice on something else to bring please comment and let everyone know also. Get excited! This is a great tournament!

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Anonymous said...

Will the bus have WiFi

sara said...

Yes, the bus will have WiFi until we get to the Canadian border.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please take pictures of both teams and post them on a Shutterfly or other site so prints can be ordered? thanks!

Erin said...

HUrt Shutterfly account: