Thursday, October 06, 2011


Hurtems, Hertets & Parents!

A few reminders:

1) Registration for Hopkins Ultimate is due. If I don't have a medical waiver for you on file, you will not be allowed to practice starting Tonight (10/6)

2) If you are attending HBTS, Sara needs your birthdate and passport number in an email to her ( by October 10th. Please send your HBTS fee to her house (address in the sidebar) as soon as possible.

3) This weekend is Exit 69, a Varsity tryout tournament. Carpool details will be posted shortly. We have a very small squad on Saturday (if you are in 10th-12th grade and you can attend on Saturday, please let me know) - but our full squad on Sunday would love some spectators!

4) We may have found a field with lights! Stay tuned for a location change for next week.


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Anonymous said...

wut's the fee for HBTS?

Erin said...

Player Cost $185 for HBTS