Friday, April 25, 2008


We are heading down to Eden Prairie (Round Lake fields) for our league game this coming Monday (28 April). Please work with each other to carpool - and hey, I'll need a ride too.
Plan to be at the fields at 5p - we'll get in a little practice beforehand.

So this makes next week's schedule this:
SUNDAY - practice from 2:30 - 5 at Lindbergh fields
MONDAY - game at EP, be there at 5p
TUESDAY - game at Twin Cities Academy (TBD what time to meet for carpooling)
THURSDAY - regular practice from 4- 6:30p
SAT & SUN - the Hustle, baby!

1 comment:

Heather Wood said...

hey ladies-
just wanted to let you know that I'll be missing a few practices/games (yesterday, mon. and tues.) because I'm packing and moving, but i will be back in action on TH. see you then, and good luck with your games next week!