Monday, October 04, 2010

Find your passport, you're going to Canada

Notice these are in alphabetical order, Black and Silver rosters will be announced at practice.

Please tell your parents that you're going to Hold Back the Snow, find your passport, finish registering for HUrt and tell your teachers that we're leaving at noon on Friday October 15th.

Haley Arenson
Jake Beggin
Niki Benson
Aaron Blaser
Mia Bronstein
Sam Bumsted
Shoshana Engelson
Jason Fink
Danny Gollin
Benny Greenfield
Jake Hoffman
Maddie Hudek
Rachel Johnson
Brie Karls
Alex Lehman
Eli Leonard
Michael Liberman
Drew Locketz
Chris Lovagnini
Linette Maeder
Josh Margolis
Wyatt Mekler
Zach Mekler
Benji Mosow
Sam Parker
JJ Pira
Aaron Raskin
Daniel Raskin
Joel Ratner
Alexa Schroeder
Erynn Schroeder
Adam Shapiro
Braden Spencer
Jeremy Steinman
Jordan Taylor
Dylan Younger


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1 comment:

Mikey K said...

Looks like a good crew HURT! Hope practices are going well. Keep up the good work - your fans in Chicago haven't forgotten about you!

Do well,
Mikey K