Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Hustle Responsibilities (JV Edition)

Hey JV,

As you should know, every HURTem will have responsibilities to ensure that the Hustle is a successful tournament. This year, the JV is charged with the following:

1 - We will need a minimum of 5 players (and one supervising parent) each morning to help with the parking lot. Your job will be to make sure the first arriving cars park in an orderly fashion. You will not miss any game time and should be released early enough to warm up with the rest of the team, but you will be required to arrive early - 8AM for Saturday's volunteers, 8:30 on Sunday.

2 - Like last year, the JV is responsible for field cleanup on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The ENTIRE JV will stay until trash bags and cones are collected, and a final field sweep has been completed. If you're fortunate, you might get to ride on a golf cart (whoo!)

Many of you have already told me about conflicts you have this weekend. If you are coming to all or part of the Hustle, please post your attendance plans/conflicts in the comments. Also, please comment if you would like to volunteer for parking duty on Saturday or Sunday morning. We are also looking for at least one parent supervisor for both days.




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Anonymous said...

Drew Locketz will have to leave early on saturday.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Franklin will come late due to volunteering for Race for the Cure on saturday. On sunday he will be running the race and come late.

Jason said...

Jason Herzog will have to leave early on Saturday

Anonymous said...

Ethan will be able to come out for most of the 2:15 game on Saturday, but will miss all of the games on Sunday, due to Mother's day.

Anonymous said...

Brandys can be there both days all day

Sam K said...

All day saturday!!! Sunday morning and afternoon i am at the hustle but i will have to leave early due to mothers day and a special dinner.

Sam K said...

I would also be willing to do the parking lot on saturday morning!

Anonymous said...

Zach Shear will have to be late on saturday, because of a karate black belt test. I will get there as soon as i can

Anonymous said...

Is there going to be a carpool going up to Hustle from Lindbergh on both Saturday and Sunday? It really would be helpful, especially on Sunday! Also, what time is the dinner on Saturday?

Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka will be there both days

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis should be able to play both Saturday and Sunday as long as he gets doctor's ok. On Sunday, he needs both a ride up there and back. We can give 2-3 kids rides after Saturday's games in return.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Marschinke will not be there Saturday morning.

sara said...

The dinner at West Jr High will take place following the final game of the day. The last games are scheduled to start at 4:00 so some time after
5:30, probably closer to 6:00.

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen is home sick with the flu. Not sure if I am going to be ready to play this weekend. Sorry, I will give an update later.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Lovagnini will have to leave by 2 saturday and will most likely miss the first game sunday.

Anonymous said...

Update on Josh M. He has been cleared to play and will be there Saturday AM (carpool at Lindbergh?) He can play both days provided he doesn't start feeling dizzy or develops another headache. That will determine if he stays Saturday for all 3 games and comes back to play on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Update on Josh M. He has been cleared to play and will be there Saturday AM (carpool at Lindbergh?) He can play both days provided he doesn't start feeling dizzy or develops another headache. That will determine if he stays Saturday for all 3 games and comes back to play on Sunday.