Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hopkins Hustle Potluck - Everyone has a role!

This weekend is the Hopkins Hustle. Many people have been putting together the final details.

The potluck on Saturday is a great community event. The out of town teams hosted by our club's families shower at West Junior High and then dine with our three teams in the cafeteria.

Reminder: Deliver your food donation to the West Jr High cafeteria between 4:30 and 4:45 pm. on Saturday, May 22nd. Please use disposable plates and utensils or clearly mark your dishes and plan to pick them up. If you can stay and help monitor the potluck, contact Laurie Levin at levinlaurie@hotmail.com

Players check with your parents to see if they remember their potluck assignment. It is important so that we can feed all those hungry players -
Girls team - bread and dessert
JV Boys team - Salads
Varsity Boys team - Pasta entrees

Thanks much!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for helping out with this event. Dinner should be hearty and fabulous. You are all appreciated.