Monday, May 24, 2010

MN State HS Championships - June 5-6

Hurtems, Parents, and Coaches -

Next weekend, June 5-6, the Minnesota State HS Ultimate League is having their annual MN State Championship tournament at the National Sports Center in Blaine.

All three Hurt teams will be competing throughout the weekend. We need to figure out who is coming.

Players for all three teams, please respond in the comments, IF YOU ARE GOING, OR IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND.

Mikey K


buenowayno said...

Hopkins Hustle - HUrtems in both hosts. Very cool everyone. What a great success the Hustle has so many ways.
Hoo Ya?!

Anonymous said...

Ruble is going

Anonymous said...

Big mek will be there

Anonymous said...

Drew Locketz will be there

Anonymous said...

Benny G will be there

Anonymous said...

Aaron Blaser will attend.

Michael said...

Lieberman will be there

Anonymous said...

klane is going

Anonymous said...

Finky will be there

Anonymous said...

Greg will be there

Jason Herzog said...

Jason will be there.

Anonymous said...

fish will be there

Mara Saltzman said...

Mara will be present.

Mia said...

mia bronstein will be there

Anonymous said...

Y mek will be there

Anonymous said...

rosensteins can

Anonymous said...

hoffman will be there

Anonymous said...

three Taylors

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow will be attending!

Anonymous said...

gollin will be there

Unknown said...

abby will be there

Unknown said...

Josh Margolis can go

Anonymous said...

Alex Mastbaum will not be able to be there, i have a family bar mitzvah all weekend long.

Anonymous said...

Maddie will be there

Jenna said...

jenna will be there

Unknown said...

Laurel will be there

Anonymous said...

shish will be there on the 6th but not on the 5th.

emma said...

Emma will be there

Nihal B said...

Nihal will be there!!

Anonymous said...

Emily P will be there

Anonymous said...

Sam Segal will not be there on Sunday only

Anonymous said...

daniel and aaron raskin are attending

Anonymous said...

i am coming but i'm not playing-valerie

Anonymous said...

Braden Spencer will be there!

Anonymous said...

I will be there no matter what, but will only be playing pending injury status

Anonymous said...

Younger will be there.

Anonymous said...

Haley will be there

Anonymous said...

Shoshie will be there also

Anonymous said...

Chris l will go both days.

Anonymous said...

margo levitt will be there