Monday, May 10, 2010

Sleep Over at Jeanine's Dad's House

When: Friday May 21st any time after 5:00pm
Where: Jeanine's Dad's house right by the Maple Plain Fields
7550 Turner Road
Independence MN 55359
Why: Cause we can and we do it every year!
What: Dinner, movies, games, a little Hustle work and FUN!
What you need: sleeping bag, pillow, tournament gear, food to share (we will talk about this later).
Who: HErt!

If you have questions, give me a call!


val said...

HEy! I'll be there!!!

Mara Saltzman said...

mara will be there! wouldn't miss it for the world! but maybe for di...

Mia said...

are we carpooling?

Anonymous said...

mara should please bring HENNA!!!