Thursday, May 20, 2010

JV - Hustle Update

Hey JV Players and Parents -

Here's what you need to know about the Hustle this weekend:

Saturday - Our first game will be at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. We will be playing Mahtomedi B on field 14 (southwestern corner of the polo grounds). Please arrive no later than 8:00 AM and plan on staying at the fields until approximately 5:00 or 5:30. We may or may not be playing a 3:40 crossover, but we will need everyone to stay and help pick up after the crossover games on Saturday.

Potluck - Don't forget about the potluck dinner at West Jr. High at 5:30. JV families are responsible for supplying salads for all 5 out-of-town teams and 3 Hopkins teams. Dishes are due at West Jr. High by 4:30.

Sunday - Please be back by 8:00 AM on Sunday morning for our first game at 9:00. We will play our final game at 12:20 on Sunday regardless of our tournament standing.

It's a great weekend for ultimate. Let's be great hosts to all 34 participating teams!


Aaron B. said...

I will be late (about 2:00 PM) on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

is there a car pool either of the morning?

Anonymous said...

is there a carpool either of the mornings?

Anonymous said...

benji can not play on sunday