Saturday, October 16, 2010

HBTS update

The sun was shining, and HURT was in good form as they played 4 games each today. Hopkins Black easily won all 4 games, only allowing 4 points all day. Hopkins Silver played hard against some really good teams,even scoring a few points against the second seed, and won their last game 12-0 with the Varsity team cheering them on from the sidelines! It was a great end to a wonderful day of Ultimate! Once again our players showed what great spirit they have by ending their cheer for the losing team by singing "Oh Canada" to them...I was pretty impressed that they knew the words! They are enjoying the bbq at the field right now, and I'm sure will come back to the hotel ready for showers, hot baths, or ice baths depending on their aches and pains, but I'm guessing they'll all sleep well tonight! We'll try and put some pictures and or video up later tonight!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when will the pics be up?

sara said...

Sorry, I'll try and get some up over the weekend!

Anonymous said...

are the pictures of hbts up yet

Anonymous said...

are the photos up yet?

Anonymous said...

where are the photos?? are the phots up yet