Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Hold Back the Snow 2010 Rosters

Hopkins Black
Eli Leonard*
Sam Bumsted*
Zach Mekler
Wyatt Mekler
Jake Hoffman
Jason Finkelstein
Daniel Raskin
Aaron Blaser
Danny Gollin
Adam Shapiro
Jordan Taylor
JJ Pira
Benny Greenfield
Haley Arenson*
Erynn Schroeder
Mia Bronstein
Alexa Schroeder
Rachel Johnson

Hopkins Silver
Jeremy Steinman*
Dylan Younger
Chris Lovagnini
Aaron Raskin
Michael Liberman
Benji Mosow*
Jake Beggin
Joel Ratner
Drew Locketz
Sam Parker
Braden Spencer
Alex Lehman
Josh Margolis
Shoshana Engelson*
Maddie Hudek
Linette Maeder
Niki Benson
Brie Karls

*denotes captain

Practice, 6pm on Thursday. Be there, we'll be learning new tricks.


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Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini will not be able to attend the practice thursday.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Lovagnini's unable to attend because his pep band is performing at a Hopkins volleyball game.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone find cleats that were left at the practice tuesday? Lovagnini forgot them and they're not there anymore.

Erin said...

I have two pairs of cleats, a pair of tennis shoes and several water bottles in the trunk of my car.


Anonymous said...

Erin, did you happen to find a pair of Nike super speed TD's in size 11?
-Aaron Blaser

Erin said...

Yes, those are the other cleats I have.

Silly boys forgetting your cleats...

Anonymous said...

Erynn and Alexa would love to come to practice with you all, but it somehow worked out that we have a bunch of swim meets, one today and two next week, tuesday and thursday.. :( hopefully we can work it out somehow.

Anonymous said...

We have a practice Wednesday, too.

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman and Braden Spencer are unable to attend practice tonight

Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini will not be able to attend the practice this coming thursday due to a band concert.

Anonymous said...

hey erin
i cant go to practice on thursday but i have my passport in my hands so we're all set for hold back the snow!!!
~ jordan

Anonymous said...

Aaron Raskin is not able to attend practice Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Younger cannot go to the practices on Wednesday and Thursday due to prescheduled conflicts.