Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Home game of 2011!

Hurtems and Hertets,

Boys Varsity is hosting CDH tonight at 6:15 on HHS #4.

Come cheer on your brothers and help us get momentum for our tournament this weekend in PA.

Varsity - I'm sure your captains have posted a warm up time somewhere, be early.


Anonymous said...

15-0 yeahhh hurt!!!!!!

Coach Mike B said...

Found: 1 digital watch
Lost: 1 Nike cleat

Please post in this thread if you have information about either.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of or been to Next Level Ultimate Camp and if yes was it a successful experience?

Anonymous said...

Is there practice this week

Anonymous said...

Mike, the watch is mine! Thanks! I'll just grab it at the next practice or something.

-Aaron Blaser

Anonymous said...

Why are the numbers 10 and 22 reired because i wanted one or the other?