Wednesday, April 20, 2011

JV Game at Orono

A few notes for those of you attending the JV game at Orono. Tallis and Shira will meet you at the game.

1 - To my knowledge, there is no pre-arranged carpool. However, interested players and parents can meet at the Lindbergh parking lot for a 5 pm departure. The trip to Orono is approximately 20 minutes without traffic. Please leave by 5pm to ensure enough time for travel and warm-up.

2 - Here is a link to the field where we played last year. It's the first parking lot north of Wayzata Blvd on Crystal Bay Rd. Some drivers had difficulty finding the fields last year, as the Orono school campus is rather large. I have reached out to the Orono contacts to make sure the location has not changed.

3 - Following the game, there will be a dinner for players and parents at a yet-to-be-determined restaurant.

Play well, have fun, represent HURT.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christopher Lovagnini will be at the game this coming tuesday, but will only be able to play for the first half hour of the game this coming thursday.
Jonathan Lovagnini will not be at the game this coming tuesday, but he will be at the whole game this coming thursday.