Monday, April 25, 2011


I know everyone is excited for all of the details about our trip to Madison this weekend for the Madison Mudbath Tournament. We are in the process of finalizing carpool and housing assignments. Plan on leaving between 3:15 and 3:30; we will post a final time with all the other final details in the next day or two.

There will be NO FEE for this tournament! The fundraising money that you all have worked to earn is going to pay for everybody. This way all three teams have an opportunity to benefit from the efforts. Your host family will provide breakfast, and there is a dinner Saturday night hosted by the tournament. Plan on bringing money for other meals and snacks, and anything you might want to buy at the tournament.


Anonymous said...

Will we still have to bring gas money for our parent drivers like years past?

sara said...

No, I think that was done for local tournaments like St. Cloud some times, but the parents are reimbursed by the team on these kind of trips.