Thursday, April 14, 2011

JV Game vs. EP rescheduled (psych!)

MB Update (4/15) - Tuesday's game will be rescheduled yet again. Stay tuned.

Sara says~we are aware that this is the second night of Passover. The coaches will be checking on availability, at practice on Thursday night, to see if we have enough players for a game. If you won't be at practice please post your availability.

We have received confirmation from Eden Prairie on a rescheduling of the JV's league game. It will be held next Tuesday (4/19) at 6:00 pm. The game will be held at EP's home field, Round Lake Park. A note for drivers is listed on the MNHSUL website:

"Please park on the South side of Eden Prairie High School and use paths into park."

This makes two road games for us next week. Please plan accordingly, allowing plenty of time for travel and warm-up prior to game-time.


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Anonymous said...

The rescheduled EP game for next Tuesday is the 2nd night of Passover which may be a big conflict for a number of the players.

Sam K said...

I am sorry but i am unable to attend tuesdays game due to passover.
And on Thursday's game next week, i will also be unable to attend because i am going to madison.

Anonymous said...

I can't make practice tonight and I can't play in next Tuesday's game since it is Passover.
-Will C.

Michael said...

I cant be there on Tuesday unless I really have to be.

Anonymous said...

If you have the rescheduled game on Tuesday, Josh Margolis CAN play.