Monday, April 18, 2011

JV Competition Update (Response Needed)

Hey JV - here's what's new on the competition front:

1 - League game vs. Eden Prairie B has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 4/26. 6pm as usual. Location is TBA, but be prepared for a road game. The game will be at Eden Prairie unless it is hosting a girls' league game that day.

2 - We have a decision to make regarding a tournament opportunity. Bids are due soon for the Granite City Classic, held in St. Cloud on May 14/15. We have attended this tournament regularly in the past, and we would like to do so again this year. However, unlike prior years, this tournament will fall on a 3rd consecutive tournament weekend (following Mudbath and the Hustle). The Varsity will be at Westerns this weekend.

This is a well-run tournament, is fairly close to home, and features great JV-level competition for us. Before we submit our bid, the coaches want to solicit feedback from players and parents. If there are no objections or concerns, we will submit our bid by the end of the week. Please post your thoughts in the comments, or contact a coach directly if you would like to discuss.


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Michael said...

I'll be at the game on Tuesday and I'm there for GCC!

Sam K said...

I would LOVE to go to another tournament!!!! especially one with JV level teams. My mom said she would be able to commit driving to GCC on the 15th.

Anonymous said...

i can go to the game and i am in favor of going to the tournament.

- Aaron raskin

Sam K said...

oh and i will be able to to go the game too.

Anonymous said...

Drew supports going

Anonymous said...

Lets go to granite city!

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis can play on Tuesday night. He can only play on Sunday for the Granite City Classic.

Anonymous said...

Trey can go to the game but the tournament is iffy.
I have a music concert that day but i might be able to make it for the second day.

Anonymous said...

Trey will also be late for practice tomorrow because of (again) music.

Anonymous said...

Ryan wants to go to GCC

Anonymous said...

I'll be at the game and I think i can go to GCC

-Zach Shear

Anonymous said...

I can make the 4/26 game but can't do the GC tournie, I will be out of town that weekend.
Will C.

Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka will be at the game on Tuesday and CAN go to GCC tournament

Anonymous said...

Christopher lovagnini can only go Saturday, and Jonathan lovagnini will most likely be able to attend both days.

Anonymous said...

i can make it to the game and an extra tournament would be greeat especially with our level teams

~max sandler