Sunday, April 18, 2010

JV Practice Schedule

This week, JV practice will likely be held on either Monday or Tuesday. We will be working on things we want to lock down before Mudbath. If you are attending Mudbath and either Monday or Tuesday presents a conflict for you, please comment below.

Check back on the blog later this evening for more details on this week's schedule.


Anonymous said...

monday would be better

Anonymous said...

tuesday works better

~ Shish~

Segal said...

i cannot be there on tuesday

Unknown said...

Tuesday would be better, but Josh could practice either day.

Michael said...

lieberman would probably not be their on tuesday.

amy friedman said...

Ethan Friedman can be there on Tuesday, not Monday

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen cannot make a Mon or Tues practice this week :(

Anonymous said...

Benji can not make Monday