Wednesday, April 14, 2010

POP Skills Clinic

POP is hosting an Ultimate skills clinic for high school girls this Saturday 4/17!

Details can be found on the registration form here

Please talk to Coach Jeanine or Coach Erin for more info.

Mikey K


Anonymous said...

can we just bring the form to the clinic?

Mara Saltzman said...

Wish I could go but that day is DI State!

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

Girls, this is a great chance to invite a friend who might be a prospect for next year's Ultimate team. Once they get a taste of the game, they'll want to join next fall!

Erin said...

You can register on Saturday at the fields, but it's $5 more than if you register early.

I will be there to help out, so I'll see you guys on Saturday.