Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Varsity Schedule and Update for 4/28-29

First off, congrats to the girls' team for a great win vs Cretin last night!

Like the JV team has done, due to field availability concerns, the Varsity team is moving our game on Thursday 4/29 from a home game at Lindbergh to an away game at Robbinsdale Armstrong HS. Meet at Lindbergh at 4:30 to carpool.

Thank you to Armstrong and Coach Mike Berseth for being able to accomodate our field space request in ways that has been difficult from our own school. Right now, they are figuring out which of two (two!!!) guaranteed (guaranteed!!!) field spaces we'll be using; once that is decided I will update this information on the blog.

Tonight, Wednesday, we'll be practicing at Lindbergh at 6 PM. Meet near the climbing structure and we'll be there if the space allotted for us is open. If not we may be scrambling. Such is life as noble warriors. Remember, there is still time before nationals! Be there! Get your brothers to practice!!!

Mikey K

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