Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Granite City -- All Teams

The JV has an upcoming tournament this weekend in St. Cloud. The current roster is as follows:

Saturday and Sunday (8): Locketz, Mosow, Gollin, Herzog, Margolis, Raskin, Ratner, Steinman

Sunday Only (2): Elias, Younger

The JV is looking for additional players and we would to invite players from the other two teams to play with us at the Granite City Classic. While many of the Varsity boys and girls are busy with something called prom this weekend, those of you who are not attending prom should consider joining us in St. Cloud.

If you are interested, please sign up in the comments below. Cost is $15 for one day and $25 for two.

Also, drivers desperately needed.


Anonymous said...

I would be willing to drive one way (either up or back) on Saturday. I can fit 6 people (squishy), 5 people (more comfy).

Hindy Tankenoff
--Danny's Mom

Michael said...

Lieberman's coming. Dad can drive one way if needed (2-3 kids not including me).

Michael said...

Oh and Lieberman will be there both days.

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman is available on Sunday if there are still people needed

Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini will be there on Sunday but not Saturday. I would need a ride to the tournament on Sunday, but I would be able to give one additional person a ride back on Sunday.

Aaron B. said...

Aaron Blaser will be able to attend Saturday.Possibly Sunday depending on game times.

Anonymous said...

wyatt mekler can go sunday only

Unknown said...

Josh Margolis' dad, Dean, can drive 2 kids home on Sunday night.

Braden Spencer said...

braden spencer will be attending both days and i will need a ride saturday but not sunday.

Anonymous said...

Question: from when to when is the torni on saturday? (when does it start and when do we leave?)

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

Departure: departure will be from Lindbergh at 7:45AM on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Return: should be home on Saturday around 7pm, give or take an hour. Sunday's return time will depend on the results of Sunday games.

Unknown said...

I can drive 4 kids to the tournament. Ken Raskin