Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Madison roster - checks due this weekend

Here are the players participating in Madison Mudbath April 23-25. If you haven't yet paid, your $95 checks are due this Saturday (2317 Archers Lane, Minnetonka, MN, 55305 near the HS). Click here for trip info.

19 JV- Z. Berman (pd), J. Elias(pd), Little Shish(pd), A. Raskin(pd), D. Locketz, J. Ratner(pd), D. Younger, J. Margolis (pd), B. Mosow(pd), A. Blaser(pd), C. Lovagnini, S. Kaminsky(pd), W. Cohen(pd), B. Spencer (pd), E.Friedman (pd), J. Steinman, S. Segal(pd), T. Taylor, T. Kachelmacher

12 Girls - M. Bronstein(pd), E. Petersen(pd), A. Werner (pd), H. Arenson(pd), J. Daley(pd), L. Oswald(pd), E. Peaslee(pd), M. Saltzman(pd), A. Mastbaum, M. Levitt(pd), B. Taylor, M. Hudek

11 Varsity - Z. Mekler, J. Hoffman, N. Bhakta(pd), D. Raskin(pd), J. Finkelstein, S. Bumsted, Klane (pd), Leonard, Rasmussen, J. Taylor, G. Cousins

If you won't be riding the bus for some reason, please post a comment.


Anonymous said...

evan fischer can go

Unknown said...

if i can get off work.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is planning on driving up late, please let me know. I have a baseball game at the high school that will get over around 6:30. I would greatly appreciate it if I could get a ride with someone if they are driving later.

Thanks, Tom Kachelmacher

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am most likely driving up Thursday after school with my dad to visit UW Madison.


Anonymous said...

hey sheri, as you know i didnt go to chicago last minute so if this isnt possible it is totally fine but could the money my parents paid for chicago go for madison, if not it is totally fine and they will write another check. if you could back to me that would be great

alex mastbaum