Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet

We've played games near and far, in the sun and the rain, we've flicked, hucked, scored and laid out. Now, as the season draws to a close, its time to celebrate! We hope you can join us for this fun evening of awards, honors and ice cream.

What: Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet

Date: Tuesday, June 1

Time: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.

Place: Wetlands Cafe at Eisenhower Community Center

Cost: $15 per adult - no charge for players and other kids

Please RSVP to amysfriedman@msn.com by Wednesday, May 26


Rosensteins said...

Hey all Boys JV and Varsity! We're STILL looking for that gray fleece zip-up jacket! Apparently Bumsteds do not have it. Anybody who knows where it is please call Matt and Brett Rosenstein's mom so she can get it back to its rightful owner ASAP. THANKS SO MUCH!

Rosenstein said...

duh....Rosenstein's cell: 612 868-6882

Mara said...

Mara and 1 parental unit will attend

Anonymous said...

Maddie plus a parent will come, but we'll be a little late

Anonymous said...

Emily P emailed but was told to post on blog too...Emily P plus 2