Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sleep Over at Jeanine's Dad's House

Just a reminder that we are all sleeping over at my dad's house Friday night! Come anytime after 5pm. We will probably have dinner at about 630pm. Bring a sleeping bag and pillow, food(see below), and your tournament gear.

I need some help with the food. There are 18 of us if you all come along. I will take care of the main course (pasta) and Erin and I will be getting you Dairy Queen for dessert since we still owe you guys.

So this is what we need. Talk to each other and figure out who's in charge of what:

Bread- a couple of baguettes
Snacks/Appetizers- chips and dip, veggies, fruit and/or other snacks

Breakfast-Bagels and cream cheese, muffins, cereal, fruit, anything you need for tournament day
Smores stuff? If you want it, we have a fire pit

Drinks- juice, soda, lemonade, whatever you guys want to drink for breakfast and dinner- we will have milk

I'm getting excited!


Mara Saltzman said...

I will bring a baguette, perhaps 2.

Anonymous said...

chips and dip!

Anonymous said...

abby ^

Unknown said...

i will bring fruit and bagles

Maddie said...

I will bring raspberry lemonade

val said...

i will bring some sort of cereal and probably also s'more stuff and by s'more stuff i just mean more stuff not supplies for making s'mores....or do I?!?!?!?!?!?!?

val said...

i will bring some sort of cereal and probably also s'more stuff and by s'more stuff i just mean more stuff not supplies for making s'mores....or do I?!?!?!?!?!?!?