Sunday, April 03, 2011

All Team Practice on Monday at Lion's Park

JV and Varsity. Lion's Park, Monday April 4
5-7 PM

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Anonymous said...

does this include girls too?

Erin said...

Girls are welcome

Anonymous said...

Sam Kaminsky is going to have to leave practice early.

Anonymous said...

Aren't jv practices going to be on Tuesdays?

Erin said...

Practice schedules for the spring aren't set in stone, and this week we don't have official fields so we're scheduling on the fly.

As always, please check the blog for updates about practice.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why did you delete that post i was serious, i need the workout by tommorow


Erin said...

Asher, we have practice tonight at 5 at Lions. Come talk to me about this in person.


Anonymous said...

i cant make it. thats why i asked