Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Madison Attendees

This is the final list I have of players planning on traveling to Madison this weekend. Please let me know if you are on the list and shouldn't be, or aren't on the list, and should be. This is the list I will make carpool assignments from so I need to know, by the end of the day Wednesday, if there are any changes.

Benji Mosow
Aaron Blaser
Drew Locketz
Ryan Franklin
Chris Lovagnini
Josh Margolis
Zach Mekler
Wyatt Mekler
Dylan Younger
Sam Bumsted
Aaron Raskin
Daniel Raskin
Ben Pavelka
Michael Lieberman
Jake Hoffman
Joel Ratner
Zach Shear
Max Rosen
Jason Finkelstein
Jacob Elias
Adam Shapiro
Max Sandler
Sam Kaminsky
Trey Taylor
Jordan Taylor
Jeremy Steinman
Mosey Krelitz
Tyler Perry
Michael Seffren
Danny Gollin
Eli Leonard
Jacob Brandys
J.J. Pira
Jonathan Lovagnini
Braden Spencer
Zac Merie
Madie Hudek
Haley Arenson
Shoshana Engelson
Mia Bronstein
Sonya Rosen
Linette Maeder
Val Schoonover


Anonymous said...

I have a crush on izzy

Anonymous said...

thank you sara!

Anonymous said...

Hey can me and Mia be in the same car for there and back? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

could we put requests for who we want to be in a car with?

Anonymous said...

Whose house are we staying at

sara said...

No, you can not put in requests for who you will be riding with. You are all teammates, and will ride happily with whoever you are assigned to ride with:) The car ride is a great time to form bonds with other team members. You will find out where you're staying when we put up the next post.

Jake said...

hey this is Jake Beggin. i was wondering if i could go to madison. my sister goes to Madison and my parents say theycould drive me to the tournament.