Friday, April 29, 2011

Madison details

Please be at the back of the Adath parking lot no later than 3:15, for a 3:30(or earlier if every one is on time!) departure.

Due to a couple of questions regarding attendees, the carpool list will not be posted because I can't finish it until I get a FINAL count of players that doesn't change. When you arrive at the Adath parking lot you will find out which vehicle you are in. Please arrive on time and check in with me for your assignment so that we can leave quickly and try to avoid too much rush hour traffic. Each car will be divided by team, so that parent drivers only have one host home they have to drop off and pick up from.

Parents who are traveling with us this weekend besides myself are; Marni Bumsted, Barb Schoonover, David Seffren, Andrea Shapiro, Tom Perry, Dan Mosow, Ken Raskin, Jim Shear, Debbi Pavelka, and Chandler Taylor. Thank you all in advance for joining us this weekend; I hope you all have as much fun watching the kids play and cheering them on as I always do! We have some very talented kids, and what they can do as a team is pretty amazing! Even off the field; I've had the privilege of being told by a number of hotel clerks and managers that we're welcome back any time because we're one of the most polite and best behaved teams they've had in their hotel. I shared with the boys that I was as proud of that as their accomplishments on the field, and I'm sharing it with you now, because I'm sure you all feel the same way. Along with teaching Ultimate, the coaches do a wonderful job of instilling a feeling of being a "team family" and looking out for each other; being responsible for each other, and it shows. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated and talented coaches; 6 of them will be with us in Madison this weekend!

The Varsity team will be hosted by Darcy McCann and family
The girls team will be hosted by coach Tallis Boyd's family
and the JV team will be hosted by team member, Mosey Krelitz's mom, Bridget Grams

They are all just a short drive away from the fields where the tournament will take place~
James Madison Memorial High School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christopher lovagnini is wondering if anyone found a gray fleece jacket at mudbath? Someone took mine.