Monday, May 26, 2008

ACTION REQUIRED By Thursday 5/29: Banquet Update

FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT Banquet & Board Meeting Alert

ACTION REQUIRED: If you are coming we need you to RSVP by Thursday May 29.  Cost $15 / Guest (Players are Free but still need to RSVP)

RSVP by adding a comment to this post with the number of people from your family attending. Please tell us

  • Player name and number of guests.
  • Please bring check or cash to dinner to pay for the guests.  Check to Hopkins Ultimate

Tuesday June 3rd at 5:45 PM Final Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday June 3rd at 7 PM Award and Recongitions for all Players, Parents and Coaches


Anonymous said...

Jenna, Jane, and John Dailey

Anonymous said...

Randy Feldman 1 guest

Heather Wood said...

Coach H will attend

Mikey K said...

Mikey K in da house.

Anonymous said...

Elise, Ethan, Natalie and Ward Rasmussen

Unknown said...

cant graduation party only time i can do it because family from michigan in town

Anonymous said...

Coach Lou Abramowski will be there

Anonymous said...

Erin Curme will be there with two guests

Anonymous said...

Jacob Frankel will be attending

k-rae said...

I'll be there.

Russell said...

Coach Russ will be there.

kathy said...

Kathy Haapala with two guests

Anonymous said...

Matt Freeman with 2 guests

Anonymous said...

Grant Boerhave will be attending with two guests

sambrick said...

sam brickwedde and mother will attend

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman and 1 guest will attend.

Anonymous said...

Josh Klane and 3 guests

Anonymous said...

Asher Mintzer will attend with mom Heidi.

Anonymous said...

Finn and 2 guest

Gregory said...

Hey parents,
Can I go?


Greg Arenson will be there

Anonymous said...

just tamra will be there with me

Anonymous said...

Kevin, Michele and Matt Loecken

Anonymous said...

Haley and 2 guests

Anonymous said...

scar and father scar will be there.

Anonymous said...

erica, leslie, and mike will be there

Anonymous said...

M Arenson Guest

Anonymous said...

Laurel Oswald, John and Colleen will attend

Anonymous said...

Angela L-H and 1 Guest

Anonymous said...

Ron Curme - one guest

Robbie Shapiro said...

shaps with two guest

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted and his mom and dad are going

Anonymous said...

abby werner and 1 guest

Haley said...

Haley arenson and party of three other than me

Mara Saltzman said...

mara and one parent

Mara Saltzman said...

Mara and one adult

Mara Saltzman said...

Mara's adult is blog challenged- count us only once please.

Anonymous said...

note: haley entered twice, once by parent and once by player....:)

please don't double count


Lisa Tradewell said...

Michael Tradewell 1 guest

Anonymous said...

Dan Bloom will attend. No guests - out of towners coming in and I have to do airport duty. big sigh.
- - WB

Anonymous said...

Deric B and 3 guests

Anonymous said...

val schoonover's coming with one guest sorry about the late thing

Anonymous said...

Adam, Ivan and Tina Rafowitz

Anonymous said...

Sam Segal, 2 guests

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Natalie and Ward will not be able to attend.

Anonymous said...

jackson brand will be there

Anonymous said...

chris farrell will be there

Anonymous said...

Eli Leonard and 1 guest, sorry for the lateness

Anonymous said...

wexys in.

Anonymous said...

just one grewe