Thursday, May 29, 2008

State Info - Boys Varsity

The Varsity team's first game is at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning.

Due to the lengthy drive to the fields we will be meeting at the Lindbergh parking lot at 7:05.24(seconds) AM. DO NOT BE LATE. WE WILL RUN SPRINTS. This will give us time for a comfortable drive to Maple Plain, and ample time to warm up before our first game.

Expect to drive to the polo fields when you arrive at Lindbergh, so be there with a car if you are able to.

Also, with the increase is gas prices lately, please bring money to give whoever drives you.

Our schedule is posted here

If you have any questions post them in the comments sections.

Also, it looks like the weather should be pretty nice, but there is a chance of rain so keep your eyes on the forecast and be prepared for everything

Get ready, start hydrating, championship mentality until the end.


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