Friday, May 30, 2008

JV at State

Tournament Info (again):
(check out the 'Open Schedule' link down the page too)
Map & Directions

Saturday: We will meet at the Lindberg fields at 7:00, so we can carpool with Varsity. Games go till 6pm. Can somebody host a team showing of "The Karate Kid" for Saturday night? Now that's an inspirational movie.

Sunday, I expect that we'll leave the same time, 7.

Bracket: The TD needed us to play in the competitive bracket, because we are a better team than just the chump champs (and better than our ranking #). So now we have to play some varsity teams that we've beat before, and some more serious competition, aka, a real tournament. So no whining, it's unbecoming of us warriors. Bring your best and come ready for the peak of your season.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

This is Daniel and i can drive whenever needed

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted can drive to the tournament both days but not home

Jake said...

"You're the BEST...


Nothin's ever gonna bring you down"

-Karate Kid Theme Song