Sunday, May 04, 2008

A message from the DenverInvite host family to HERt Force players


I've been meaning to write to let you know how much Paula and I enjoyed all of the items that the girls gave us. This afternoon, we sat down for another very nice cup of tea which, once again, reminded us of the HURT girls.

I am also reminded of your visit this evening as I step into our basement where all of the girls stayed so peacefully. This evening I have all of the East High team down there playing games and dying their hair red (the East High color) before the State High School tournament begins in the morning.

The hair color reminds me of that candy apple red color that was popular on muscle cars when we were kids. Today, the state social services case workers might consider this a form of self mutilation as each person willingly undergoes the treatment (preceeded, or course, by bleaching ones hairs so the color really stands out).

Please pass on my best to the team, as well as to all of the parents.

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