Monday, May 05, 2008

JV Face Off this weekend

We've been preoccupied by the Hustle, but the JV Face-Off in St. Cloud has been rescheduled for this Saturday, the 10th of May. This is a one-day tournament, and I'd like to take 2 full lines. We'll be meeting at the fields at 6:50 in the morning and getting back around 8 pm (games go to 6, but we'll probably want to stop and eat). This is separate from the Granite City classic, which is the weekend after that (17th & 18th) Fee will be $10.

Please post if you want to go and if you can help provide transportation for the team. Please post only on the JV Face-off, I'll post another for the Granite City Classic. Reply soon, if we can't get numbers, I'll cancel our bid.


Anonymous said...

Daniel Raskin can attend and drive there. Have a mini-van.

Anonymous said...

Sam Segal would like to attend

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow can not attend

Anonymous said...

chris farrell is down to play

Anonymous said...

Adam Rafowitz can attend and can drive-maybe both ways

Anonymous said...

Deric Bauer will be going.

Anonymous said...

sam b. and mom drive back only

Anonymous said...

jackson brand cant go sorry

Anonymous said...

Billy Hershkowitz can get there late around 2ish? I can also drive people home.

Anonymous said...

Billy would like to go.

Anonymous said...

jake hoffman will be there

Anonymous said...

aaron kitchener cannot go sorry