Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Girls Ultimate Prom this Sunday!!

Hello everyone! (apologies if you get this email several times as I want to make sure everyone is in the know)
This is a mass email to continue publicizing the upcoming Girls ultimate prom being put on by the Minnesota HS ultimate league.
Details:When - Sunday May 18th 2-6PM. Where - Lake Nokomis Park in South Minneapolis Just off Cedar and 58th street. Look for girls throwing frisbees.What - Girls ultimate clinic, BBQ and general awesome time!Cost - FREE!!!!!!
The idea behind this clinic is to bring girls from all over the twin cities together to work on skills, build connections and spread the knowledge of ultimate to all corners of the Minneapolis girls ultimate scene. We'll have experienced women club players there to do some skill work, we'll play some fun games and then we'll BBQ and hang out. We'll also give you a chance to learn about playing for the summer girls club team - which will compete at the Youth Club Championships in August!
We currently have a great group of girls already planning to attend and EVERYONE is welcome. There is no cost to attend but RSVP's with numbers are encouraged so we have enough food for everyone. We are especially interested in getting girls that are playing on Open teams and New girls teams. Please, PLEASE spread the word to any girls you know.

What to bring:
Gear to play ultimate in including cleats (weather appropriate - looks to be sunny that day)White shirt and Dark shirtAwesome Attitude for learning new stuffYour post ultimate Appetite!Prom Dresses not required but anything prom themed will be encouraged and welcomed!
See you at the Field!
John Sandahl

Ps...Please direct all questions to me at or via phone: 612-991-7840

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