Monday, May 12, 2008

JV Practice attendance

Players, we are coming upon the end of the season and we need to make sure that we are on the same page for State. Also, it is extremely frustrating for me to bust my keister to get to Hopkins to have 6 players show up and only 2 contacting me about missing practice. >=( Please make every effort to get to practice and on time, and tell me the day before if you are going to miss (tell me that day if you can't help it, but I will grumble if it's a lame excuse.) Big thanks to those of you who make every practice, you know who you are =).

About homework, plan out your homework a couple of days ahead of time, your teachers will probably be happy to help if you ask them. Let me know if you are having difficulty in this regard.

This is about supporting your teammates and showing your maturity. If you aren't making every effort to get to practice, you are letting your brothers down.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not make Monday practices, but i can make Wednesday practices.
