Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Madison Mudbath- Bring your tennis shoes!

So it looks like it supposed to rain all weekend in Madison. Please bring tennis shoe in case we are not able to use the fields at some point. They will have back up indoor opportunities available.

Also remember that if we are outside that you will need warm and appropriate clothing. 55 degrees and raining can be quite chili. This means bring winter hats, mittens, hand warmers, raincoats, tights, plenty of socks, umbrellas and any layers you have that dry quickly and can keep you warm while wet. NO COTTON!


Anonymous said...

If the location is changed, will the games be 3v3 like last year?

Jeanine said...

The tournament director did not specify if that would be the case or not. He just said "indoor alternatives."

Jeanine said...

The tournament director did not specify if that would be the case or not. He just said "indoor alternatives."

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