Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plan to go to Madison tournament ? - Sign up now

Click this link to find the info about the Madison Mudbath tournament posted a week ago. Sign up in the comments section, if you have not already.


Anonymous said...

what time would we be leaving on the 16th?

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

This trip leaves On Friday April 23.
Meet at 3 p.m. Friday (4/23) at Adath Jeshurun, 10500 Hillside Lane West . Leave at 3:15.

We don't have a trip leaving on the 16th.

Anonymous said...

klane will be there

Anonymous said...

Eli Is there

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman will be there

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman wants to go

Anonymous said...

jeremy steinman wants to go

Unknown said...

daniel and aaron will be in attendance

Anonymous said...

big mek will be there

Nihal B said...

i'll be there

Anonymous said...

sam segal will be there

Anonymous said...

Tom Kachelmacher would like to attend

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias (jv team) will be there

Unknown said...

Greg Cousins would like to attend