Wednesday, May 07, 2008

JV Away Game this Week - Thursday (5/08)

Update: Field at CP Adams Park Map & Directions

Update (bumped from below): We will be meeting at 3:20 at our practice fields and leaving for Hastings at 3:30. Please be on time, every minute later that we leave means more traffic.

We play the Hastings Huck team this week at their fields. Their captain has asked if we can begin the game by 5pm instead of 6pm, as most of their team has a Jazz band concert at 7. This would mean that we would need to meet at 3:20 and leave our fields at 3:30, it's a bit of a trek. Can we swing this? Please post if you can drive or if the time is too early for you. I'll update on the game based on the replies.


dannyLITIN said...

ya i can drive and stuff :D

Anonymous said...

I can not make the game


Anonymous said...

Adam R can make it and his Mom can take 3 kids Thurs to Hastings

Anonymous said...

Asher can make it at 3:30 or so and Heidi can take six kids in her van.

Anonymous said...

Frankel can go i can probably give a ride if needed

Anonymous said...

sam b. can go

Anonymous said...

jacob hoffman will be there

Anonymous said...

i can go but cant give a ride sorry-Frankel