Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Players and Parents: Nationals information

Dear players and parents:

What a great week-end at the Hustle, thanks to Mike K., Ron C. Sheri B. Ivan A. Mama Brick and the many other parents who turned out to support our players. Also, I am reminded that the players were just as involved in the planning of this event, thanks to the players who worked hard to make it a great start.

We now turn our focus towards Independence MO and 2008 Western Nationals. Players, please get your money to Ivan or Mike Schock as soon as your read this note! that means now. The cost is $200.00 or $206.00 if you use Paypal. Look to earlier posts for a break down of the costs per player. Bus ticket for chaperons is $50.00, what a bargin!

Make the checks out to Hopkins Ultimate.

Mail checks to Ivan Arenson
11933 Orchard Avenue West
Minnetonka MN 55305

The bus will leave from Adath Synagogue on Friday (this Friday) at 10 AM sharp! So, come to the Adath Synagogue parking lot directly from 1st block. Please be ready at the bus by 9:30 so we can leave town at 10:00. Bring snacks, beverage and money for meals. Plan for a 7 hour bus ride with one stop for lunch.

Also, wear clothes that you can run around in and bring discs. The coaches want to get out to some playing fields before we settle into the hotel. Did I mention that we are planning to leave by 10am?

If you drive to the synagogue, we are hoping to get permission to park our cars in the Southeast corner of the lot. More on that later.

Parents who are picking up sons/daughters on Sunday: we are planning to arrive back at Adath Synagogue as close to midnight as possible, maybe closer to 1 am.

Hotel information:
Fairfield Inn
4231 N Corrington Ave
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 452-6212
Rooms are $85.00 per night plus tax/tip.

Field location is:
17800 East Salisbury Road
Independence, MO. 64056

We have 22 rooms at the Fairfield Inn.
We have 9 rooms for the players, 2 rooms for coaches and 11 rooms for the following parents & fans:

1. Raisanen parents 2. Arenson 3. Larry & Nancy Shapiro 4. Schock/Baken 5. Brenden/Eckert 6. Ann & Reid Shaw 7. Laurie Levine (maybe Jim) 8. Ward & Natalie Rasmussen 9. Jennifer Kreiman & Mimi Klane 10. John Dailey 11. Bus Driver

For parents staying behind you can reach Mike Schock on his cell phone at 763.242.9516 or John Dailey on his cell at 612.508.6965

Go HUrt/HERt Force!!


Anonymous said...

what adresses do you want us to send the money to?

Anonymous said...

who do we make the checks out to?

Michael Schock said...

I have the who and what address? questions added to the original posting. thanks for the questions