Wednesday, May 21, 2008

JV at State: Which Bracket

JV players,

We can state a preference (not necessarily decide) to enter the State 1)Championship Bracket or the 2)Non-championship Bracket. What do you think? I'll consider comments posted until Friday afternoon when I make our request to the TD.



Anonymous said...

who would be in the non champ cracket

Segal said...

I would prefer to compete in the non-championship bracket. There is a good chance we could win that and it would be a great way to close off the season.
Sam Segal

Anonymous said...

I would prefer the non-Championship. I think it would be a much more evenly matched pool of teams an give us an opportunity to not only do well but win.

Anonymous said...

champion bracket that way we can say we beat teams who are better then us.
After Granite city we know we can beat b teams but this will prove we can beat A teams

Anonymous said...

do we get trophies if we are in the Non championship one. Also we dont have eli or Smalter so it may be harder for us to win in the A bracket

Anonymous said...

Adam thinks non champion would be a good idea. I enjoyed how we did in Granite City and would like to see if we are capable again.

Anonymous said...

non champ bracket


Anonymous said...

I think that we should play the non-champ bracket, it would be a great way to end this great season like Segal said.