Friday, May 09, 2008

JV Face-Off info

Map & Directions
Be at Lindberg at 6:50 am Tomorrow morning. We'll be back in town by about 8 pm, depending on whether your car stops for dinner.

Bring $10 for your tourney fee. Bring raingear and prepare for toasty warmness. If you like food, pack a lunch (there is a lunch break, and we may be able to make a food run, but there probably won't be a concession at the fields.) And for heaven's sake, don't forget your cleats ;)

Call or text me if you have questions.
-Coach Russ


Russell said...

I'm really proud of our 8 players who went up. We played hard, losing only to A squads. Thanks also to the drivers!

Anonymous said...

Coach Russell,

thanks for making the trip