Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Action Requested: Thanks and Feedback Regarding the Hustle

Please add comments to this post to thank all who made the 1st Hopkins Hustle happen and to give feedback and suggestions for next year


Jake said...

Wow. I don't know where to start.

Thanks to the community for allowing us to put it on. I say allowing because I knew it couldn't have been done without ALL of you.

Thanks to Mike Kinsella and Laurie Levin who took the reigns to head this event up.

Thanks to Ivan Arenson and Ron Curme who stepped up towards the end to make the tourney become a success.

Thanks to the parents and kids involved in the plannign committee (I know I'm going to miss some, but I'll try here):
John Dailey, Matt Freeman, Jenna Dailey, Emma Peaslee, Greg Arenson, Jane Dailey, Sheri Brendan, Mimi Klane, Erin Curme, Erica Baken, Elise Rasmussen, Lou Abramowski, Greg Williams, Rachel Abrams, Jane M. Lucas, Robbie Shapiro, Steven Finn, Ann Shaw, & David Raflo.

WOW! That's a lot of people!

Thank you to every family who hosted a team! You helped make this event a success.

Thanks to everyone who helped in the last minute with Merchandise (Tim Parrot from Inside Out & Randy Feldman with the Hodags) and Ben Feldman who brought up the plan to have the Hodags scrimmage SubZero at our tourney - So thanks to all the players who made that a success as well - Especially Geo Beek and Dan Heijmen on the SubZero side of things.

Thanks to all the teams and coaches who were flexible enough to work with our incredibly hectic schedule, and a special thank you to Greg Williams and Eric Enge for helping us find the fields in Minneapolis at the last minute.

Thanks to every kid who helped out cleaning up, waking up early Saturday to line fields, running out to grab some food for the coaches, whatever you did to help the big cause - THANK YOU!

Finally, to the Hopkins Coaches. Kell, Jeanine, Heather, Russ & Lou - We couldn't do it without you. You are the people who make this team a success and it does not go unnoticed by me, the parents or the kids. I, We, appreciate all you do. Thank you for your generosity, time, and love of the sport. It means the world to me that you are willing to put your energy into this community and will hopefully reap the rewards years in the future.

This is clearly the best Ultimate Community in the world. I'm honored to be a part of it.

Coach Jake Raisanen
Hopkins Ultimate

Anonymous said...



Ivan Arenson

Anonymous said...

thank you to all the people who helped make this tourney a success, i cant wait to host the 2nd hustle a year from now...i think it was a blessing in disguise having to play at the high school cause i think that was a sick set up and we should try to use it again next year! Once again thank you mikey k and all the people who made this tourney a success

-Colin "tater" Camp

Russell said...

I hope that the excellent experience we had with the high school fields changes the tenor of our interactions with the Lindberg facilities management. It was really cool to watch "Stadium Ultimate" Thanks to the Lindberg folks!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add a special thanks to Ron Curme and Mike Kinsella for taking it all on when the Polo Club pulled our fields. Way to improvise and make it happen.

David Abrams